How it works
How could an agent use this website efficiently


This is the page you'll see after you sign in for the first time.


You'll receive 5 credits on inviting 5 people.

In this you'll see different options.

New Property

Click on Create New Property to add your property

Fill in the details of the property and click on Save & Next

After the property is created you'll see this page.


Let's discuss all the links.

1. Details

It contains the details of your property, you can change and save them.

2. Description

In this you can add the detail description of your property.


3. Amenities

You can either choose the amenities that you have or add your own.


4. Price and Features

You can add the price of your property and different features it has like the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, balconies, etc.

Price and Features

5. Photos Library

Add the pictures of your property or the nearby places(if you want.)

Price and Features

6. Videos

Upload Video of the property.

Price and Features

7. Default Url

Share the url of your property on different social media platforms.

After creating the Property, Dashboard will have that property with several actions

You can Edit, Preview, Publish and Delete the property.

With the Property Preview, only you can see your property untill you publish it.

Let's talk about Publish action.

You can only publish your property with credits

Each published property will take one credit and it will be deducted from your credit balance


Credits help you to publish your property. 1 free credit will be provided when you first signup in the site.

An agent can buy as many credits as he wants.

The Buy More Credits button will take you to the page where different credit plans are available.

In order to publish your property an agent needs to have credits.

After selecting the plan.

You need to pay the amount as per your choosen plan.

Let's Discuss the navbar

We have already seen the Dashboard

Manage Properties

It will contain all your properties details.

Visit Stats

This page illustrates the number of visitors on your published properties.

You can also modify the date.

Contact Requests

The users who are interested in your property and want to contact you.

The list of those users will be here.


All your credits that you have bought will come here.


  • Upload your profile picture.
  • Upload your Logo.
  • Add your details(Name, Email, Phone Number).
  • You can create your own personal unique url which you can share.
  • Add your address.
  • Add your social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc).
  • You can share the qr code instead of the url of your profile.